Marine engine oil for outboard engines

Addinol Aquapower Outboard 4T 1030 je visoko zmogljivo motorno olje za štiritaktne (4T) izvenkrmne navtične motorje izdelano na osnovi izbranih visoko kakovostnih sintetičnih HC baznih olj. Posebno razviti aditivi, zagotavljajo odlično antikorozijsko zaščito motorja v sladki in slani vodi (morju).  

  • Technical details
  • Documents
  • Useful links
  • FAQ
API Standard


  • NMMA FC-W [FB-14301x]


Priporočeno za uporabo v:

  • Mercury
  • Yamaha
  • Suzuki
  • Honda
  • Johnson
  • Tohatsu
How do I add a product to my basket?

You can add a product to your basket by clicking on the "Add to basket" button. Once the product has been added, a message will appear at the bottom indicating that the product has been successfully added to the basket.

How can I check what's in my basket?

At the top of each page is a basket icon showing the number of items in your basket. Clicking on this icon will redirect you to the basket page where you can view and manage your selected products.

What do the different stock status codes mean?

"In stock" means that the product is immediately available. "In stock" means that the product is not yet in stock but is expected to be available soon. If the "Send enquiry" button is present, the product is currently not available or its stock is uncertain.

How can I make a purchase?

After adding the desired products to your basket, click on "Complete Purchase" to proceed with the purchase process, which includes selecting your delivery and payment method and confirming your order.

How does storing an order as a draft work?

If you are not ready to complete your purchase, you can save your order as a draft by selecting the "Save as draft" option in the shopping basket. You will find the draft order in your profile under the order tab with the status "Draft".

What criteria can I use to search for products?

The search engine allows you to search by item name, item number, keyword, brand and product category. You can also search the entire content of a page that is related to your search string.

Didn't find the answer to your question? Call us at +386 1 29 27 960 or email us [email protected].